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免費股票圖表、行情和交易想法 — TradingView Trader-Alex I've sold short BTCUSDT at 10350 for 4 times : 1. 2019/09/20 (UTC +8) 2. 2019/10/26 (UTC +8) 3. 2020/02/15 (UTC +8) 4. 2020/06/02 (UTC +8) Since the whole market is built by leverage these years, especially 2019-2020, the big whales and the exchanges should have to make the investors in the market panic; otherwise, the bull market TRADING ECONOMICS | 20 million INDICATORS FROM 196 … The Shanghai Composite added 18.34 points or 0.62% to 2956.11 on Tuesday, the highest since March 12th as investors remained optimistic after David Dodwell, executive director of the Hong Kong-APEC Trade Policy Group expressed support for Beijing’s new security legislation for Hong Kong, saying that “there’s a significant majority, particularly in the business community — which is more 外貿協會 TAITRA 中華民國對外貿易發展協會版權所有 TAITRA All Rights Reserved. 地址:11012臺北市信義區基隆路一段333號國貿大樓5-7樓

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